Friday, September 25, 2015

What we are doing is building robot cars. Some of the steps I had to take to build the car was first we had to make sure we had everything check on the check list before we build the car. Then we had to start going from step to step in the book on how building it but I was a little frustrating to me because  I don't know how to build and how it was looking on the picture I didn't know if to put the nails on the inside or outside and the directions wasn't giving you enough info. Yes I have started building were on the part where you put the wheels on at. Those steps were rough. And yes I did I joy the teamwork my partner was a great team player we worked together.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

my favorite well i Don't have a favorite song but i love a lot of songs i listen to i listen to r&b hiphop i listen to a lot of old school i love alot of song i dont have one in particular but i love a lot of songs alot of them songs reminds me of things.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Fall what I like about fall is the leaves falling from the tree changing colors
It's not to cold or too hot some of my favorite things about this year is holidays the one
That's real special to me is October I like that month the most because it's my birthday ON
HALLOWEEN you go out trick or treating Go out to hunted houses which I'm so scared go
To I'm so scared I know it's fake but when you be looking at them like that it's scary.
September it's nothing to me it's nothing big but I like this September because it's been a
Lot of hot day's. And November same thing as September it's nothing special to me fr I think it's gone start getting colder.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

It was sad what the African Americans had to go through i feel like it no matter what the color of your skin is how much you weight or how not smart you is i feel like you we all should get treated the same we all human we all the same people we just have different jeans everyone is different its just so sad what they went through they shouldn't been getting treated like that i feel like its not fair i feel like you shouldn't kill no one because of over a color because your not the same color.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Hi, My name is Shaina Scott. I have a lot of sisters and brothers. I am from Cleveland ohio, I have three favorite colors, my 3 favorite colors are Pink, blue, and purple. But I like pink and blue the most. My favorite sports or some sports I like to play is basketball, cheering, and maybe volleyball. My future goals are to some day be on TV to have a stable career. My favorite TV shows are Love N hophop, basketball wives, black ink crew and many more. I love watching drama, crime, movies on TV I watch lmn which is a lifetime movie network. I have anger issues I get gets mad really quickly